Bird’s nest soup, a popular delicacy in Asia, is made from the nest of the swiftlet bird. The gummy strands of the bird’s saliva which form the nest create a desirable (to some) gelatinous texture when added to the broth
Ketchup was originally a Chinese condiment first mentioned in print in 1690. It contained pickled fish and spices. The tomato-based variety did not become popular until the 19th century
The red juice that comes out of a rare steak is not blood. It is a chemical called myoglobin. Almost all of the blood has been removed from a steak before it is packaged and sold
Sometimes delectable but always interesting food facts
Pound-for-pound, strawberries have roughly the same amount of Vitamin C as oranges. Six strawberries will provide nearly 100% of the RDA of Vitamin C for the average adult
The earliest version of pumpkin pie started out as a hollowed out pumpkin filled with milk, honey, and spices and baked in the hot ashes of an open fire
Sometimes delectable but always interesting food facts
George Washington famously declared before his death that he "would never set foot on English soil again". When a statue of him was erected in London, US soil was put under that statue to hone that request